定制 demo | 根据客户需求,量身定制 demo-ag凯发旗舰厅

定制 demo | 根据客户需求,量身定制 demo-ag凯发旗舰厅

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冰蓝科技在提供优质产品的同时,还可以为您提供免费 demo 定制服务,助您快速熟悉如何使用产品。还可以结合您的实际项目需求,量身定制 demo。

如果您需要定制 demo 或对产品有任何疑问,请发送邮件至 。定制 demo,须满足以下两个条件:

can i request a customized demo for the following requirement?
1. a winform c# application that uses spire.doc and spire.xls
2. on clicking a button on the form, the application should convert all .doc, .docx, *.xls and *.xlsx in a specified folder to pdf.
could you please send the code as a c# project?
a : for your needs, please refer to the demo convert word and excel to pdf, and we recommend you use our spire.office product.
can i request a demo with the following requirement?
1. capable of merging multiple pdf documents and create a single pdf file
2. add a page in the beginning with an image (usually company logo)
3. generate table of contents (toc)
4. add page numbers to all the pages (except for the first page and toc)
a. page numbering should start after toc
b. allow resetting page numbers for each merged pdf or have a running number ( i need this because we may have different sections in the final pdf)
the demo project is required in c#. if the demo can have 3 to 5 pdfs with a minimum of 5 pages in each pdf will be great for this demo.
a : for your needs, please refer to the demo merge pdfs and add image page. and sorry that our spire.pdf product doesn't support the feature that generate table of contents (toc).
i would like to have someone present a live/customized demonstration of the spire.dataexport software to make insure it will meet all of our needs.
we are writing a system in .net mvc 4.0 using c# and entity framework. we will need to export data sets to excel and pdf formats.
for the data exports to excel we will want to be able to export data and graphs that are tied to the data. that will allow us to run "what if" scenarios against the exported data which will in turn update the graphs accordingly.
a : we recommend that you could use our spire.office product, please download spire.office version:2.6.6 and try the demo export data demo.
i need to extract text from all textboxes inside a word document, how do i do that?
a : for your needs, please refer to the demo extract text from text boxes.
can you guide to me function shading (color the background behind the selected text or paragraph)?
a : thanks for your inquiry. please check the demo set background color as a reference.
how to take the header of one document and insert it only into the first page of another document?
a : our spire.doc can meet your need. please refer to the following demo insert header to fulfill the task.
how to create a header object with some text in paragraph, passed along as a parameter to a function where it is inserted into another document?
a : it is quiet easy to do this using spire.doc. please refer to the following demo create header and insert into document to fulfill the task.
i have gone through your website and found your product spire.pdf for .net suiting my needs.
1. create one table,
2. fill data into the table from database,
3. digitally sign the table/page with visibly placed digital signatures and save the same to pdf.
i request you to kindly provide me one demo in c-sharp.net for the same. it will be great help for me if the same could be done through your product.
a : just refer to the following demo signature. if you get any questions, feel free to contact us.
i have an rtf document. how to remove the page breaks in the rtf document using spire.doc?
a : spire.doc provides you a method called remove() to remove the page break. please refer to the following demo load rtf file to do the task.